Friday, February 18, 2011

Coming of Age:
I'm tryin to step up to the next level, pushin Vettes to the Jets
Diamonds reflect from the sun, directly in your equilibirum
and stunned I'm waitin for my day to come....

I am 23years and 94 days old... where am I in life? I've got a Bachelor of Arts. I am living in my father's attic with my boyfriend. I am unemployed with no savings.

"The term coming of age is also used in reference to different media such as stories, songs, movies, etc. that have a young character or characters who, by the end of the story, have developed in some way, through the undertaking of responsibility, or by learning a lesson"

I was not supposed to be here. I was supposed to be blossoming in a career of some sort, making enough money to cover the bills and still have some extra to go out with the girls or splurge on an outfit here and there. I was supposed to head to work in my car and come home after a long day have dinner and a glass of wine. I am not there.

Coming Of Age- the attainment of prominence, respectability, recognition, or maturity

I suppose my coming of age came too soon. I was such an old soul in my youth. Was wise beyond my time and didn't know it. Then at some point Life caught up with me and I somehow got stuck. I don't feel 23. I feel like an 18year old hs graduate with no ambition.

The worst part is, it is do or die. There is no room for falling off. This is my life lol the thing that cracks me up is that I'm ok. I suppose the power of love is a force far more powerful than we as humans can comprehend. The signs were always there. People go to war for their love of God. People kill themselves for the love or lack of love for self and/or others. We can love somebody else enough to risk life and limb for them, and love ourselves too much to show anybody else we care. So i suppose it is no grand miracle that my love for Bklyn keeps me sane. It provides me with the right amount of happiness to keep myself from being stressed.

A Rose grows in Brooklyn

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