Sunday, September 26, 2010

this thing called love

this thing called love...its become a joke..people throw it around n use it so casually that we forget what its really about...u dont wake up one day and decide u love somebody, be it a friend, lover or family member...u grow into it, its a part of who u are- love is a state of being...its actions, its thoughts, its words, its body language, its motivation...its a force so powerful it takes away our free can make life seem pointless while it can also become ur only reason to live.... love makes people stay in bad relationships and fight for dreams that never come true, love makes parents kill themselves to put a smile on their kids face, love makes u sacrifice wants and needs for the sake of this...this feeling... the feeling u get when the person u love is or isnt makes u stay when u know u should leave, n the only thing that makes u leave is love again, but love for is sick, twisted, manipulative and deceitful...n what do people do? toss it around like a cheap toy... actions speak louder than words but talkin is an action...we talk love and live heartless...whats the point