Thursday, April 29, 2010

The beginning

so my inspiration for this blog was a simple ride home on the train... i could picture myself speaking in monotone describing what i was seeing as my thoughts traveled through my head...i had an idea for a blog before (courtesy of the o-so-splendifourous Sarah Myanda)...i guess im just looking for an outlet...i cant ever seem to find the right words to say but give me pen and paper and the ink spells out my soul...even now i picture my words as an emotionless voice searching for since i seem to be incapable of screaming my thoughts to the world i'll revert back to my first love in words...

the other day i watched the raindrops splash against the cold roof of the was something so simple but i was so intrigued...the rain hit the roof and shattered into tiny droplets that ricocheted in a million directions...i wanted to be a raindrop...just splatter on the window n drag my way down before sinking within the steel gray concrete on the sidewalk...maybe im crazy...who knows

ADD is kicking in...

i said something (i feel) is extremely profound on twitter today lol...shouts to its creators for making millions off society's lack of ability to stay quiet... i said

Forever is a long time to commit to...and when u realize it is and still want to know forever, it speaks volumes of your soul

poorly worded, it was the simplest way to make my statement within the barriers of twitters 140 character limit.. basically i sat back and thought to myself just how long forever is... theres no end to it...its infinite... it surpasses all human reasonings of time and space... u have to believe in something more than what life appears to be to even start to grasp the concept of forever and i accept that...and now that i have a mere vision of what forever is...i want to Know forever...i have a love in my heart that WILL last forever...its unconditional and it runs so deep within my veins that every beat of my heart flushes my body in fire...i can FEEL this love i have and its gripping my chest so tight sometimes i just .. stop breathing... again, maybe im just crazy

i knew id go crazy with my first blog lol i have so much more to say but no way to organize my thoughts at the moment...add is kicking in again... this is gonna be the draft to the story of my life...

Quixotic thoughts and Outlandish impervious to reality
Jasmin Rose

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