but this love?
this love takes my breath away...this love sets my soul on fire...this love makes me wanna scream to high heaven...this love makes my blood boil...this love makes my cheeks hurt...
this love proves to me that there are powers at hand far beyond our comprehension ... theres a higher being somewhere out there because nothing natural could have even thought of these feelings...i love myself, more than ill admit most days, but i love u more than anything else on this earth...id lay my life on the line for u without a doubt... id fight a peanut butter covered spider in a room full of waterbugs during a thunder storm for u...
i love u so much it hurts to breathe when ur gone, i have a panic attack at the idea of u not being by my side when i go to sleep & wake up, i think about u all day, but most of all i just want u to be happy...i want u to be stress free and satisfied....i want u to have the world...
this shit bugs me out and scares the hell out of me...i dont know what to call these feelings i have for u because i honestly feel like im doing myself no justice by calling it love...the word itself seels like its fallen short of explaining how i feel...i love u to death. i love u to life, i love u everything in between. . . .i love u so much i feel it in my spirit...i love u , im in love with u i want to spend the rest of my life with u...
a lot of people say they want FOREVER until they realize what that means...forever means without end...i understand forever and still have and want it with u...my love for u runs so deep within my spirit within my soul that its not gonna b "til death do us part"... this love f is eternal, its unconditional, its honest & without judgement... but most of all- its yours and yours only... devon a lewis...a promise is comfort for a fool so i give a solemn vow,a a pledge, i straight hand u my heart and say here... cause nothing is ever going to come close in any lifetime.... i love u