Wednesday, August 11, 2010

selfish thoughts

sorry ive been neglecting u...i find myself gettin caught up in the everyday reality of my location so im fighting the undetectable molding of becoming a product of my environment... i thought of a poem in my sleep the other day (lol)... its nothin serious... just some light word play

i want to be the one whos kisses make everything ok
a faded frown as the sound of my voice hits ur ears
i want to be the one u turn to when everything goes wrong
i want to be the last voice u hear before u sleep and the first when u wake up
i want to be ur number one priority
as a matter of fact, i demand it
am i so full of myself that i want to be the only one massaging u after a long day?
i want to bring u breakfast in bed and dinner in front the tv
i want to rub ur neck til u fall asleep
i want to fold ur clothes when they come out the dryer
i want to make ur bed when u forget to do it
i want to be ur escape from reality
i want to be the only one who can make or break ur day in one sentance
i want to be the reason u laugh, cry, smile, fantasize
i want to be ur everything
im such a selfish bitch

there was a lot more to it that made it flow a bit more eloquantly however i cant remember the rest right now...thats the basic gist of it all...its not meant for anybody in particular, i just find myself watching people change and grow all around me and its cute to see people build relationships...theyre all so anxious and eager...nervous and willing to establish something but then a few weeks later, the high is gone and reality sets in *hearty chuckle*

ADD??...maybe a little

since my inevitable desire to speak is only deterred by my lack of listening ears 24/7, i started writing some of my potential blogs down... im going to buy a mead notebook today just for that purpose...possibly two, one will be the legit drafts for "the search for something normal"

A + D + D

If I Had One Wish, I WISH I Could Be 19 Again...i would change the world...(to be continued)

Quixotic Thoughts & Outlandish Emotions... I'm Impervious To Reality
Jasmin Rose